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It's her special day...

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Let me stop for a second to tell you that I am seriously the luckiest photographer in the world. My clients are always so amazing to work with. That was true of my session with the Anyiriah & her MoMo, Ms. Sharon! Anyiriah will be turning 11 years old soon and her grandmother wanted photos of the two of them and of her alone to showcase for her birthday.

I met up with them earlier this month at Doris Park in New Roads and the weather was perfect for photo-taking. While the weather was fine, it was the Birthday Girl and her Momo that made this shoot a perfect one.

When we first started, I could tell that Anyiriah was nervous by the way that she held on to Ms. Sharon and hid her smile, but it didn't take long for her to warm up to the camera.

She ended her session with a sweet and impromptu hug for her Momo.

I had the greatest time doing Anyiriah's birthday session. Have a wonderful birthday Sweet Girl! Thank you, Ms. Sharon, for allowing Photos By MeMe to commemorate this special occasion.

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